Nuchhungi English Medium School is an English Medium School , located in Hnahthial, Lunglei District, Mizoram . It is a Private School . The exact Address of the schools is Peniel Veng,Hnahthial , Lunglei District , Mizoram . PIN- 796571 . It is a renowned private school Established in 2000 . Total 14 batches completed in this School from past 14 years . Classes running in this School are upto 8 th . And it is Co-educatinal School . In terms of number of students, it has been the biggest school in Hnahthial during the past few years. The school was founded in the year 2000 by K.Lalhunmawia, who since then has been the principal of this comprehensive school consisting of Primary and Middle sections.
Since its establishment in 2000, the school has been attempting to give quality education to the youngsters in and around Hnahthial.In the beginning of its inception, there were classes up to standard 4 only, but in 2003 standard 7 was opened and Board Examination was faced at standard 7 level by the students, thus becoming the first English Medium School in Hnahthial that has ever faced examinations conducted by any Boards. In 2005, a permission to open school was obtained from the Gov't of Mizoram and later in 2010, the school was recognized by Mizoram Board of School Education.
With the introduction of a new system of education by the Gov't of Mizoram consequent upon Right to Education Act, 2009, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation System of education is being given to students of Nursery to standard 8. As it is a school based system, the school authorities usually decide on what and how to do.
Besides the normal classroom learning process, different co-curricular activities such as sports, music, aloha, dancing, solfa, etc are taught to help the children get prepared to face the challenges of human life. Forty two mistakes found in the text books were brought to the knowledge of the Mizoram Board of School Education and corrections were made by the Board right away.
The motto of the school ‘Good understanding giveth favour’ is a line taken from the Bible. It is the desire of the school to help children learn by insight.
Brief statistics of the school NEMS about
Nuchhungi English Medium School official website
Nuchhungi English Medium School Page
Since its establishment in 2000, the school has been attempting to give quality education to the youngsters in and around Hnahthial.In the beginning of its inception, there were classes up to standard 4 only, but in 2003 standard 7 was opened and Board Examination was faced at standard 7 level by the students, thus becoming the first English Medium School in Hnahthial that has ever faced examinations conducted by any Boards. In 2005, a permission to open school was obtained from the Gov't of Mizoram and later in 2010, the school was recognized by Mizoram Board of School Education.
With the introduction of a new system of education by the Gov't of Mizoram consequent upon Right to Education Act, 2009, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation System of education is being given to students of Nursery to standard 8. As it is a school based system, the school authorities usually decide on what and how to do.
Besides the normal classroom learning process, different co-curricular activities such as sports, music, aloha, dancing, solfa, etc are taught to help the children get prepared to face the challenges of human life. Forty two mistakes found in the text books were brought to the knowledge of the Mizoram Board of School Education and corrections were made by the Board right away.
The motto of the school ‘Good understanding giveth favour’ is a line taken from the Bible. It is the desire of the school to help children learn by insight.
Brief statistics of the school NEMS about
Nuchhungi English Medium School official website
Nuchhungi English Medium School Page
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